[Dixielandjazz] Re: NY Times Reviews

Bill Haesler bhaesler@nsw.bigpond.net.au
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 08:56:43 +1000

Dear Steve,
Regarding: >(snip)Big mistake as some do not make the connection.
For example, the Obit on Nellie Monk can be seen as a great parallel to that of
Ann Davison's.<
I thought the obit for Mrs Monk was one of the better ones you have kindly
passed on to us.
I certainly caught your point about musicians wives. The history of jazz is full
of these (usually) untold stories. The world over.
Keep the 'selected' reviews coming. I don't mind using the delete key.
Kind regards,
PS: I believe that T Monk did his 'silent' piano piece at a concert while on
tour here in Sydney.