[Dixielandjazz] Vicious Attack

Kaye Wade Kaye@KayeWade.com
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 20:05:41 -0800

Last Night I went to Casey's in Canoga Park in LA area.  Evie's band
plays every Sat. Night - basically Dixie & Jazz.  There were about 7
people + the band that were over 50 yrs. the other 60 were 21 to 27 yrs
of age & loved every minute of the music. And I see the dancers at the
other clubs who are all very young.  We are not loosing, we are just
starting over.


Kaye Wade
Stuntwoman-Actress, Reflexologist
Vocalist & Bandleader -Kaye Wade's Riverboat Ramblers
& The Tinsel Town Ten Minus 3
PO Box 1068 Studio City  CA. 91614-1068