[Dixielandjazz] Standing or sitting

jim at kashprod.com jim at kashprod.com
Thu Feb 14 12:11:41 EST 2019

I could be wrong, but until we started seeing pictures of the Preservation
Hall bands sitting, none of the bands of the day were sitting.  When I first
saw pictures of the PH band, I thought they might be trying to emulate some
of the photos from the old bands from New Orleans (& wondered if those early
photos were posed and didn't really represent the bands on stage!).


Anyway, I have always been a staunch advocate of standing, at least for the
wind instruments.  I personally need the freedom of movement, and don't wish
to relegate the strength in my core muscles to relying on the sitting
position.  It's a different thing for a wind instrument for the breathing
when sitting or standing.  


And, there's the "show" part of the argument that has already been spoken
about here.  Although most of our band is between 67 & 77 yrs of age, when
any young guys join us they say it is hard to keep up with us!  I thrive on
the vitality thing, and can't imagine falling asleep while playing.  In
fact, I have 2 (Spanish) expresso coffees before going up on stage, so no
way possible will THAT happen to me!    :>


By the way, I broke my Archlles tendon in July, and the night I broke it
(before going to the hospital!), I played a 2 hr gig STANDING!!  I finally
had to sit to play when I showed up for the next gig with one of those giant
boots on my leg, but the upper half of me was all movement in spite of the
sitting position.  


Too many times I have seen videos on YouTube of the winds sitting, and when
it isn't their solo, they are looking down at the ground.  Ok, so we're not
going to prance around stage (like Freddy Mercury), while others are
soloing, but one needs to have the horn in hand & ready just in case you
hear a great riff, and wish to pick up on it, or leap into a solo for a bit
of "back & forth" stuff!



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