[Dixielandjazz] standing or sitting

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 13 19:29:59 EST 2019

This reminds me of what was actually a big issue among some continental feminists, though more to do with water music, and the popularity with what is called in German the Sitzpinkler, a man dear to ladies charged with cleaning the floor of what Americans call the John. There was one John notoriously and conveniently near the statue to W.C. Handy, tghough the fact that it was and might still be in Handy Park could also suggest a canine problem. 

To pinch a joke from PRIVATE EYE, the UK satirical magazine, to play jazz standing up could cause a certain baroque effect, what Private eye spoke of as the (fictonal) Italian architect VARICOSI. i am sure a number of performers will have comments in the same vein,
and nothing to do with Jerry Lee Lewis, for whom the piano stool was useful in freeing one of his legs (right I think) to perform a work not if musical healing but rather heeling,
all the best,
Robert R. Calder
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