[Dixielandjazz] Dixielandjazz Digest, Vol 194, Issue 7

Bill Haesler bhaesler at bigpond.net.au
Sun Feb 10 13:50:08 EST 2019

> ron fink <r.fink6 at verizon.net> wrote:
> I have another Album that simply says Dixieland, featuring Dixeland’s greatest stars and it lists: Pee Wee Hunt, Matty Matlock, Heine Beau, George Van Eps, Nick Fatool, Abe Lincoln, Eddie Miller, Morty Cobb, Dick Cathcart, Stan Wrighstman, Al Hendrickson, Phil Stephens, John Best, Dave Harris, Moe Schnieder,Bobby Hammack and Jack Sperling.
> Sounds like a lot of the same guys.

Dear Ron,
If you provide the label name, catalogue number and tune titles we may be able to provide the details.

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