[Dixielandjazz] Looking for "Way Down Yonder...." patter recordings

Les Elkins leslie.r.elkins at gmail.com
Tue May 2 13:44:31 EDT 2017


One of the bands I'm fortunate enough to play in would like to add the
patter to "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans". I'm well familiar with the
tune, and have the Littlefield lead sheets with the patter included, but
I've never played the patter before and I don't know any recordings which
include the patter. Can the peanut gallery refer me to any (particularly on
Youtube or similar) just so I can get the feel of it?


-Les Elkins

"NEVER use a maj7 chord in any bar that is named after a deceased NASCAR
  driver, a large-calibre firearm, or an intoxicated farm animal."
-Rev. Billy C. Wirtz's Universal Chord Law
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