[Dixielandjazz] RV: two comments

jim at kashprod.com jim at kashprod.com
Tue Jun 13 05:56:57 EDT 2017

Bill wrote: 
1)  Young Kids have NO jazz feelings!
2)  Leave Sinatra to those with a voice.

To comment on your number 1 above, Bill:  that group is made up of about 15 young kids in their mid-teens.  They were on a European tour with their sponsors, who go to a lot of trouble helping young people become aware of Our Kind Of Jazz.  We supported them by inviting them to perform with us at a local Jazz club where they were well accepted by everyone attending that night.  A real plus for Jazz, and an exciting night for those kids.  They are learning.....

As to your number 2 comment:  I am the trombonist (the non-teen) seen in the video with the kids.  I sometimes sing, particularly songs like Sweet Sue, By the Sea, etc., and due to audience requests, will do a song like New York, New York from time to time.  I'm not pretending to be a singer of Sinatra´s stature.  I AM trying to please our audiences by playing what they want to hear.  We must be doing something right, as you can see we have a very large, happy audience, and that was a 15 night running gig at a local club in the center of Madrid.  The band has been playing for 50 years together now, and my singing hasn't dented the demand for our band yet!

The main reason for posting that video was to jokingly point out that short cameramen should find a platform to stand on (as he basically was filming the back of people's heads).  

That might be a good suggestion for you for your future posts.  It has been a long time since we have seen such a negative posting on our mailing list, and you will find greater acceptance by entering with  helpful, positive comments.

Jim Kashishian (Madrid, Spain)
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