[Dixielandjazz] falling drummer blues

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Fri Jul 3 15:27:57 PDT 2015

I have remembered a tale Steve Voce might also have heard.
It was a celebrated British drummer, and he fell backward, and the band were in a fit of the giggles.This alarmed Beryl Bryden, who thought it inappropriate since the disaster began one minute into the two silent ones she had just declared and signalled in respect of and for the recently departed Louis. 
It was an open-air venue, and as the drummer's glance was following Louis' recent flight-path it suddenly focussed on D, followed by U, R, E, X, the brand of condom being advertised on a banner a light aircraft was drawing across the sky.... 

accidents will happen

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