[Dixielandjazz] Turk's kid(s).

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sun Apr 12 17:40:00 PDT 2015

>>>2) not germane, but what the hell: i've heard (but not found documentation to this effect) that Turk liked Carson City so much that he named is son "Carson Murphy" (Turk also has an album recorded at the Carson Hot Springs);<<<

So, since I have yet to write the definitive bio of Turk (mainly a dig at Haeslerama), how many kids did he have?  Still alive?  Care about his music and legacy?  For one brief shining moment, I'm actually curious.  (Catch the musical reference in that sentence and win a cigar. Anyone here smoke cigars? Keep tabs, please. Your services will be needed.)

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