[Dixielandjazz] tv series

Charles Suhor csuhor at zebra.net
Fri Sep 12 22:11:42 PDT 2014

Below is the Wikipedia entry for the 17-part TV series on the evolution of popular music, of which "All You Need is Love" was a part. Wiki's entry for Tony Palmer describes him as a major bio filmmaker. I haven't seen any of the popular music series, but some of the script writers include Leonard Feather (who was no friend of trad jazz) and super-traditionalist Rudi Blesh. Just looking at some the juxtapositions of names included in the right hand columns (and some of the omissions) made me wince, but I wonder how they were used in the actual narrative. Odd: Bop and modern jazz get no mention--because they weren't "popular" music? 

It was a longterm project  released in 1976, so today's perspectives would of course differ. And remember, when Ken Burns did his recent jazz history series, almost nobody gave him better than a gentleman's C.

Charlie Suhor

On Sep 9, 2014, at 4:29 AM, Jim Kashishian wrote:

> I watched a program called "All You Need Is Love" which was advertised as
> being "Tony Palmer's epic series" on Jazz.  The fact that he used a Beatles
> song title for a Jazz show tells it all.  
> There were comments by prominent jazzers such as Dizzy, Hoagie, etc., but
> many of the comments were strange & didn't fit into any of the things we all
> assumed about the beginnings of Jazz.  The notes on the series actually said
> that it "reveals that New Orleans may have stolen the limelight when it
> comes to the origin of Jazz".
> The comments made follow along the lines recently discussed here on djml
> about where the word Jazz came from.  The fact that the weirdly put together
> hour long show was "from a script by Leonard Feather" raised my eyebrows
> evern further.  They were already practically up to my hairline!
> Has anyone else seen this show?  
> Jim
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