[Dixielandjazz] soprano mouthpiece

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 27 12:51:40 PDT 2014

I have passed along the query from J. D. Bryce to a possible source of clues...  

Once upon a time I attended a concert from which some members of this group would have been detained by what others would call prejudices..   Judged on its own terms it was well worth missing --  a New York rehearsal band that ought to have rehearsed a bit more, definitely.  I have never before or since heard a soprano saxophone played so continuously out of tune with itself there was a ticking and fluttering sound all the time the unhappy young man was blowing.   
Not a decent reed squeak either  . . .  

An amazing acoustic phenomenon 

And unattractive aesthetic one 

Ooooooooooooooooooh, dear ....  


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