[Dixielandjazz] Thinking in Sax

Gary Lawrence Murphy garym at teledyn.com
Sun Jul 20 13:04:18 PDT 2014

They say a man thinks about playing sax about once every six seconds; I
don't know how they'd measure that, but I suspect it is true ;)

Up to now I've been playing mostly bass lines in dixieland sessions, taking
a bass-sax role with the bari, but I'd like to learn more about soprano (ie
Bechet) and c-melody (ie Trumbauer) roles in the music.

Outside of their recordings at half-speed (which I fully intend to explore)
where else should I begin?  Is there any particularly unique 'concept' to
the role of the sax voices that I should know starting out?

*Teledyn Addendum: teledyn blogspot ca*
*eso: **EighthStreetOrchestra blogspot ca*

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