[Dixielandjazz] Developing youthful interest in OKOM

banjomoony at juno.com banjomoony at juno.com
Wed Dec 10 01:55:50 PST 2014

Boy! Have you guys got your head buried in the instrumental musician's sand! Why are all the various jazz afficianados, an awful lot of them don't even play jazz, spend so much effort trying to get a lot of amature school band players, [They play the marches so they get into the games free], to make a thorough mess of "Bill Bailey",etc. at the school concerts and picknics, hoping that they will all become as fine a player as all those 78 rpm jazz expert creators. What a waste! If you want to do something great for the school kids, teach them to feel the music and understand the flow so the they can fully enjoy DANCING WITH A PARTNER to real music played by those skilled adults who use the full 3 elements of music, ie; melody, harmony and rhythm on real musical instruments at a volume that doesn't hurt. I'll never understand how jazz fans can set in the front row listening to some of our most accomplished bands  executing some of the best music ever composed and they don't even tap a foot. You want happy fans and good music, teach the appreciation and DANCING. Those with the basic instinct to play with real skill, will. There are more opportunities for an interested kid to grow in the field than anybody even recognizes.
I speak from the lifetime of experience I've had, we dancers have a far more fulfilled life than can be imagined. But, more than trying to build a jazz band in every garage, concentrate on building audiences. To do that, you will have to buy a lot of "Disc Jockeys" and radio and TV time.
OK, I'm through.

Jimmy Green
1015 W 159th St #1
Gardena, CA 90247
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