[Dixielandjazz] STJS Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society for August 2014

Robert Ringwald rsr at ringwald.com
Fri Aug 8 19:01:50 PDT 2014



August 2014


Aug. 2014  "AATJ"
Upcoming Events
Letter from STJS Pres.
Aug. 10  Jazz Sunday
How to update your address


AUGUST 2014 "AATJ" is online.

Important letters from STJS President
and from the STJS Board of Dir.
Aug. 10 guest bios for The Professors.
Photos from July Jazz Sunday.
Photos from Aug. Camp Fundraiser.
"AATJ" newsletter ARCHIVE:


STJS Jazz Sunday - Noon to 5pm at ELKS Lodge #6:
Aug. 10 - THE PROFESSORS, STJS Jazz Camp Faculty (trad/swing)
plus Youth Jazz Campers, and Camp Counselors
Sept. 14 - CARL SONNY LEYLAND (boogie-woogie piano/voc)
JAZZ SUNDAY ADMISSION:  $10 STJS mem./$15 non-mem.
Students (12-20): $5 members and $7 non-members.  Under 12: free.
Jazz Sunday info: http://sacjazz.org/sunday.html


To members of the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society:

Thank you for participating in the 2014 Sacramento Music Festival.
The Festival was a hit with four days of fun for everyone that
attended.  The Board
would like to convey a sincere Thank You for all your efforts.

Unfortunately, there is a downside. We ended up with a net loss this
year of around
$80,000. This cannot just be made up with a fundraiser or two. We need
to make significant
changes in the way we run STJS and the Festival. We do not make these
changes lightly
and easily. So please bear with us as we go through this
transformation and, hopefully,
reemerge to be a stronger organization. Thanks for your time.

Ron Jones

STJS President

AUGUST 10 - THE PROFESSORS (trad jazz & swing)

August 10th "JAZZ SUNDAY" featuring THE PROFESSORS
(STJS Trad. Jazz Camp Faculty)
11:30am - 5:00pm
at the ELKS Lodge #6 YES, WE HAVE MOVED!
6446 Riverside Blvd. at Florin Rd. (West of I-5, exit 43rd Ave.)
Sacramento, CA 95831   (916) 422-6666

The Professors jazz band is pulled from the faculty of the STJS Trad. Jazz Camp.
The Professors is truly an all-star band, comprised of some of the
nation's (and
in some cases, the world's) best performers on their instruments. How
amazing and
incredible for STJS to be able to present all these great musicians at one Jazz
Sunday. The Professors include: Rusty Stiers, tpt; Bria Skonberg, tpt;
Bill Dendle,
tbn; Greg Varlotta, tbn; Anita Thomas, reeds; Nate Ketner, reeds;
Eddie Erickson,
bnj/gtr; Jason Wanner, p; Curtis Brengle, p; Lee "Westy" Westenhofer, tu; Eddie
Metz, dr; Shelley Burns, voc.

Arrive early and enjoy the Elks' breakfast buffet, 9 to 11 a.m.
ADMISSION: $10 STJS members/$15 non-mem.
Student members (age 12-20): $5; student non-mem.: $7.  Under 12: free.
Jazz Sunday info: http://sacjazz.org/sunday.html


Keep your e-mail address and contact info up to date:
Click the link at the bottom of the page.
SCROLL BELOW to the white block where it says,
"Update Profile/Email Address"
Click that link and TYPE YOUR NEW INFO.


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