[Dixielandjazz] The Monterey Hot Jazz Society Newsletter, August issue

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 15:36:00 PDT 2012

Very nice, John!
Saving the email for future reference - it's just that every link has
kunks to other things that have links to other things that...
No, it's not the very good Portuguese Super Bock - at 5% abv not as
strong as my favourite Jem's 8.8 - that nakes me write as if I
stuttered, it's just the effect of links like that one.  Right now,
and for the last half an hour, I've been listening to Uptown Lowdown -
a long time favourite.  I'm not saying it's necessarily better than
many other bands - I am not very hip on current American jazz, but
I've known that one for years.  Luck - a while ago I bought several
GHB revivalist LPs on the force of The Mississippi Rag reviews.  One
I've found not so great, and later encounters have only reinforced
that impression, even though it's extremely popular with American
listeners (or jazz writers - I don't meet all that many American fans;
I'd put the number I do meet at nil...).  One was excellent, but the
band has since disbanded, if it wver were a regular working band.  The
third was the Uptown Lowdown.  I've since bought three more, and all
are to the same standard!

On 25 July 2012 04:13, John Jamieson <jazzjamie at att.net> wrote:
> HotNotes, the Monterey Hot Jazz Society Newsletter, August issue is online.
> The featured tune is "That's Why They Call Me Shine"  turn up the sound when
> on page 6.
> www.montereyhotjazzsociety.org/AugNewsletter.html
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