[Dixielandjazz] Fats, Hoagy, WC Handy this week on Riverwalk Jazz

Donald Mopsick dmopsick at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 11:11:41 PDT 2012

Denizens of the DJML:

This week's Riverwalk Jazz was recorded October 2009 at Pearl Stable,
San Antonio, TX. The Pearl Brewery in San Antonio was several years
ago converted into an art space and performance venue. The Stable was
an oval-shaped stable where they kept the horses that pulled the beer
wagons. It is now a state-of-the-art oval theater, ideal for recording
radio shows. They shot a bunch of video at this show which you can see
at the Riverwalk Jazz YouTube Channel here:


This was the last show I recorded for Riverwalk Jazz. The guests are
Vernel Bagneris, Topsy Chapman and Shelly Berg.

For those of you not familiar with Shelly Berg: he is the Dean of the
Frost School of Music at the University of Miami. He is known mainly
as a modern jazz pianist (recorded an album with Ray Brown and Ed
Thigpen), but has a keen interest in historical jazz. He and Topsy
play a duet on Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out. The
important thing you should know about Shelly is that since taking over
as Dean, he has made improvisation a central concept of all the
programs offered at the school, including classical performance.
Consequently his program has attracted top teaching talent from all
over the world. I was pleasantly surprised when he told me that he had
successfully recruited Sam Pilafian, tuba virtuouso and teacher
formerly at the U. of Arizona at Tempe, to join the program. The jazz
program offered there has always been strong, I'm sure it's gotten
stronger since Shelly.


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