[Dixielandjazz] Bixing

Marek Boym marekboym at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 15:16:19 PST 2012

Very interesting.
Perhaps I came to jazz too late (but I am older than Ken, I beleive), but
by the time Ifirst learned about Bix,things were somewhat different.  I
still believed that he was buried in those big bands, which drove him to
drink, a myth dispelled only by Evans and Sudhalter.  But. at least, I knew
it was Dick Voynov who led th Wolverines.  And, having heard Trumbauer, I
realized he was at least nearly equal to Bix.

there is one thing there, though, that doesn't make sense: the half-valve
business.  The author stated that every horn student learned it; howeve, he
seems to have forgotten that Bix cam a few years before our time.  As to
the "muted" sound - I am not sure it could not have been achieved by
unorthodox valve techniqe, as claimed by the jazz writers,

On 10 January 2012 00:15, Ken Mathieson <ken at kenmath.free-online.co.uk>wrote:

> Hi All,
> While looking for clues about tthe personnel of JC Johnson's % Hot Sparks
> I stumbled on this and thought it might make for some lively discussion on
> http://www.rustbooks.com/articles/Bixing%202.pdf
> Apologies if it's been raked over in the past. Incidentally does anyone
> have info on the 5 Hot Sparks' personnel? The clarinettist has a familiar
> tone and sounds like New Orleanian.
> Cheers,
> Ken Mathieson
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