[Dixielandjazz] Mencken letter to Will Durant (1931) on " Meaning of Life"--Barbone quotes Monk

Norman Vickers nvickers1 at cox.net
Wed Feb 1 17:50:56 PST 2012

To:  Pensacola Mencken list; National Menken List; DJML, Musicians &

From: Norman Vickers, Jazz Society of Pensacola


Steve Barbone gives Thelonious Monk quote in response to question:  What's
the purpose of life?

Thanks Steve.




From: Stephen G Barbone [mailto:barbonestreet at earthlink.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 5:44 PM
To: Norman Vickers
Subject: Re: Mencken letter to Will Durant (1931) on " Meaning of Life"


Dear Norman:


Thelonious Monk responded to interviewer Pearl Gonzalez about the meaning of
life as follows: Note 119,Page 556, Thelonious Monk, The Life and Times of
an American Original,  by Robin D.G. Kelley, thusly:


 Monk:  "The purpose of life is to die."


Gonzalez responded: "But between birth and death there's a lot to do."


Monk responded: You asked a question, that's the answer."


Not to different from the last paragraph of Mencken's letter. Just more
succinct. <grin>



Steve Barbone



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