[Dixielandjazz] Red Hot Jazz site; Original Wildcat JB

Daniel S. Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Sun Oct 23 19:48:21 PDT 2011

    Echoing Brother Haesler, I haven't been able to listen (on either of my Macintosh computers -- a desktop G5 and a MacBook) for a year or more.  RealPlayer doesn't seem to work at all on it.  I've tried everything i can think of to get it to work (and it used to work all the time for me with no problems).  I'm a former computer programmer (mainframe), so computer stuff isn't a problem with me.  I've downloaded the latest version of RealPlayer, and zip.
    On the subject of the Original Wildcat Jass Band, i like them a lot.  But, being a tuba player, i wish Kelly Thomas would play a bell-front tuba in the band.  He wouldn't have to play as loud to be heard, it would be more 'authentic' (roll your own on what that means), you could actually perceive his very nice tone better, and the front-line and rhythm-section in general would have the benefit of a more immediate punch on the beat (i myself alternate between 2-beat and walking-bass styles, depending on the tune and the soloist).  I'm not aware of any old-style authentic New Orleans dixieland 2-beat trad-jazz basic unmitigated mouldy-fig unreconstructed unashamedly West Coast (is that enough qualifiers for you?) style of jazz with an upright-bell tuba.  Never happened.  You WANT the audience to hear the tuba sound and (one hopes) wonderful tone directly, not bounced off of some decaying overhead rafters or crumbling plaster walls.  Joe Tarto or Bill Carroll playing a bell-upright tuba?!  Heaven forfend!  Quel fromage!  (That's French for being cheesed off.)  Ipse dixit ("If you knew Ipse, like I know Ipse, ....)

From: Bill Haesler <bhaesler at bigpond.net.au>
Date: October 23, 2011 8:50:37 PM CDT
To: ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Cc: Dixieland Jazz Mailing List <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Red Hot Jazz site (was Davenport Blues)

Dave Stoddard wrote [in part]:
> In my view, it is the traditional jazz equivalent of a major scientific discovery. Alas, I am not the guy.  At best, I am the Archive's most tireless advocate......

Dear Dave,
I wholeheartedly agree.
A great source when referring to particular early records which must be heard.
However, for at least 12months, I have been unable to access music on this wonderful site.
Numerous DJMLers have had a similar problem, yet no one seems to know why the music is unavailable.
Your latest message implies that you can access the music.
Is there a new link?
I just tried the one you gave and although the site/discography is there, the music is not.
Very kind regards,

**  Dan Augustine  --  Austin, Texas  --  ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
**     "For a bad hangover, take the juice of two quarts of 
**      whiskey."  --  Eddie Condon

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