[Dixielandjazz] Australian Army Bands

Randy Fendrick jfendrick at bak.rr.com
Sun Oct 2 13:18:54 PDT 2011

Last summer while attending the Navy School of Music Association reunion I happened to meet the head of the Australian Army Band association as he attended the Navy Musicians Association reunion in Virginia Beach, Va.   Too bad that the arts in Australia are going the same root that they are in the United States.  As a former navy musician I know that being a musician during my service time was a life saver for me.  I was fortunate to have served at a time when we thought that there was no war on, but in reality the Vietnam war was already on and most Americans were ignorant of that fact.  I also bemoan the fact that music as a part of military service, is along with everything else changing, and people fail to realize that it has always been a part of the military from bag pipers and trumpeters hailing the attack, to the ceremony of a change of command.  In the United States some are attacking military music, failing to realize that as we remove further institutions from our traditions we only continue to insure the return of the 'Know Nothings" of our past.  Hopefully, people can get rid of their biases and start to rationally consider what we are doing to this country and it's institutions.
Randy Fendrick
former navy musician and continued player.

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