[Dixielandjazz] Dixieland

Don Ingle cornet at 1010internet.com
Fri Jan 14 09:41:54 PST 2011

On 1/14/2011 10:27 AM, Harry Callaghan wrote:
> Well, I maintained that I would not get involved in this ridiculous
> conversation but since Pat made reference to "stirring the pot", I guess I
> could add something to the recipe.........although quite frankly, I would
> call it a cauldron rather than a pot, as what we have here is more like a
> witch's brew.
> Make no mistake about it now, I am not setting myself up as any authority to
> believe that I am any more qualified than Steve, Marek, Marvin or yourself
> as to defining what is dixieland and what is not.
> I am only providing an example related to the subject
> I have been a big fan of Teresa Brewer since her first hit record "Music,
> Music, Music" which she first recorded on the London label in 1950 with a
> dixieland band  (mattafact, the 78 even lists the personnel on the record
> label)
> I know she recorded it when she was on Coral and then at least once again
> when she was on her husband Bob Thiele's label (and possibly even more than
> that) but never as good as the original.
> I happen to subscribe to the old theory (musically or otherwise) "If it
> ain't broke, why try to fix it?"
> I acquired an excellent album that she recorded with Mercer Ellington's
> Orchestra and sometime later one with the World's Greatest
> JazzBand.,selections from which I have played on my program
> On commenting upon her performance with both to Radio OKOM Program Director
> Bruce McNichols (a dixieland bandleader since 1964 and a friend since 1954)
> I was met with "But she's not a jazz singer";............to which, I say
> "Who cares?"
> If Maria Callas or Renata Tibaldi recorded a song that I like, I would play
> it and quite likely enjoy it........my point being.......Why must we have to
> classify or categorize something?   I get the idea from some subscribers
> here (and I see no need in mentioning their  names) that they almost
> consider it sinful to listen to something if it is not their precious
> "OKOM".   If they post something to the list, that they apparently believe
> would be of some interest to other subscribers, they seem to feel the need
> to apoloize for it with an opening like "It's not really OKOM"
> Radio OKOM is basically a trad/dixie internet radio station   However, when
> I signed on back in 2002 it was with the understanding that I  would play
> anything I wanted to on my programs and continue to do so.
> If you don't think it would be sacreligious or a threat to national
> security, I invite you to log onto okom.com for "Callaghan's Corner" 7a&
> 7p, Saturdays and Sundays
> Those are Eastern times; if you reside in another zone,I leave you to do the
> math.
> But I warn you, I could slip  in a little Chopin when you're not looking
> As to those who might not like what I offer, Radio OKOM has 11 other program
> providers 24/7 whose musical offerings are considerably more  "OKOM" which I
> hope you would enjoy
> This really took a lot out of me.  It is questionable as to whether I'll now
> have the energy to visit any of my favorite porn websites for the remainder
> of the day..
> Thank you for your attention to the preceding
> Tides
> HC.
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Pat Ladd<pj.ladd at btinternet.com>  wrote:
>> performance of a song is what places it in a jazz or not category.>>
>> Twas ever thus. This from Humph Lyttleton `It just occured to me`
>> This was in response by Ellington to critics of Ellingtons Concerts in 1958
>> `that they did not contain enough jazz`
>> "When Armstrong plays `Pennies from Heaven` or Hawkins plays `Body and
>> Soul`, they call it jazz.
>> When Duke Ellington plays Ellington they say it is not.
>> I don`t understand that"
>> Humph also makes the point that  the Cotton Club where Ellingtons Band
>> presided....was redolent with jazz. Yet many of the performers, Florence
>> Mills, Ethel Waters,Bojangles Robinson, Adelaide Hall would not now be
>> acknowledged as jazz artists at all.
>> Just to stir the pot.
>> Cheers
>> Pat
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Actually Teresa could be a fine jazz-oriented singer, and certainly gave 
due respect to Mr. Waller's song list in here album, "Love ya Fats." 
Swung hard and enthusiastic - but then with material like that who could 
not.  (Admittedly there is some prejudice here since she was from 
Toledo, hometown of mon pere, Red Ingle. He loved the great "belters" 
and when he heard her the first time he said..."son, there's a natural 
'belter.' I have long since agreed. Sure, she didn't bill herself as a 
"jazz singer," but neither did many others whose style was jazz at 
heart, from Crosby
to Bennett. One man's opinion - and like a nose we all have one!
Don Ingle

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