[Dixielandjazz] Morton Program on BBC

Dradjazz at aol.com Dradjazz at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 15:41:57 PST 2011

In a message dated 2/21/11 3:29:38 PM, marekboym at gmail.com writes:

> I don't know why there weren't when I heard it.  Music started almost
> immediately.  I don't suppose I could  have started in the middle.
> The whole programme (which I, unfortunately, had to stop in the
> middle, seemd to be 1hour 39 minutes.

Marek --

Let me try to clarify.

Listening back again to check myself I do hear that there is ONE band 
number near the top, but then nothing BAND-wise until 40:00 in.

So let me correct myself:   there is only one ensemble piece, until 40:00.  
 Piano, yes.   

Its my opinion that the first 1/2 hour of content (both piano AND 
discussion) that was concerning Jelly's supposed relation to classical music could 
have been done in 5-10 minutes -- rather than consuming 1/3 of a program about 
Hot Jazz.   Again, just my opinion.


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