[Dixielandjazz] DON'T STOP THE DRUMS!

Harry Callaghan meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 08:53:35 PDT 2010

I received this today from my friend "Crazy Henry" Newberger (yes, brother
of Eli) who also plays tuba, along with t-bone and piano
I felt I had to share it with y'all.......of course in the retelling, you
may substitiute the instrument of your choice for the punchline.

I suspect that Henry might have done just that, for the benefit of our
mutual friend Bruce McNichols, who plays sopranot sax & banjo.


 A musician went on vacation to the islands. When he got off the boat, he
heard the drummers playing an island rhythm. He found it fascinating.
However, after several hours, the sound of the drums became an annoyance, so
at dinner he asked the waiter, "When do the drums stop? "The waiter went
pale and stammered, "No. No. Drums not stop. Very bad when drums stop." "After
tossing and turning through the night, he called the front desk at 2 a.m. to
ask when the drums would stop. "No. No. Drums not stop. Very bad when drums
stop." After a sleepless night, he was waiting at the front desk for the
manager. He asked once again, "When do the drums stop?" Again came the
reply, "No. No. Drums not stop. Very bad when drums stop." Grabbing the
manager by his shirt, the man screams, "What happens that's so stinking bad
when the drums stop?" The manager replied, "Soprano sax solo!"

Alcohol is necessary for a man so that now and then he can have a good
of himself, undisturbed by the facts

            - Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936)

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