[Dixielandjazz] Clapping on 1 & 3 - Was Dixieland Rock - WasStage Presence

Kit W. Johnson kit at bscjb.com
Sat Jan 9 12:12:08 PST 2010

<<<Nothing drives me nuts like an audience listening to Trad (or big band)
and clapping on 1 & 3 like it's a country hoe-down.>>>

I'm starting to develop a slightly different viewpoint on this matter in my
old age. The audience at that moment in time must be feeling 1 and 3 more
than they are feeling 2 and 4. They are likely influenced by their own
musical upbringing - as we all are - but it may also be that the band just
isn't swinging quite as hard as it would like to believe. The fact that they
are at the event and clapping at all is a "win", and if we want this music
to stay relevant, we shouldn't look that particular gift horse in the mouth.
If the audience has a good time they will return and over time their musical
perspective...and where they clap...will change. Besides, what's wrong with
a country hoedown?  ;-)  Cheers. Kit

Kit W. Johnson
Black Swan Classic Jazz Band
503-970-1251 (cell)
kit at bscjb.com 

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