[Dixielandjazz] (no subject)

Beth Schweitzer beth at portafortuna.com
Wed Feb 17 11:57:40 PST 2010

That's the version Cornet Chop Suey does, and of which I sent an mp3 to
Al off list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] (no subject)
From: steve yocum <dayoke54 at hotmail.com>

Hey there!

The words that I have for "Cherry, Cherry"(No verse) are:

 Cherry, Cherry, ain't it a shame

that you can't be as sweet as your name

You're always flirting, having your fun

I'm never certain if I'm the one


but if I am

I'll hang around 

'til you grow up

and you settle down


Cherry, Cherry I'll make a bet

Oh Cherry I'm gonna get you yet


All the best


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