[Dixielandjazz] Alabama song

Harry Callaghan meetmrcallaghan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 07:34:21 PDT 2010

Thanx, Anton......

I certainly don't mind your correcting my spelling.cause to tell you the
truth when I first discovered the Doors' recording of it, I thought it was
from Diana Ross' movie, "Mahogany"

I do have a video clip of it being done as part of some stage production of
the opera which I probably recorded off my local PBS station


On 8/12/10, Anton Crouch <anton.crouch at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> Hello Harry
> Lotte Lenya recorded the piece at least twice - as part of a complete
> recording of the opera and as a track on her Kurt Weill theatre songs LP. I
> don't know of any version that could be described as jazz.
> The full English title of the opera is "The rise and fall of the city of
> Mahaggany" (note: with an "a") and "Alabama song" is unusual in being set to
> English words and so performed even when the opera is given in the original
> German.
> All the best,
> Anton
> On 12/08/2010 23:27, Harry Callaghan wrote:
>> While on the subject of Kurt Weill compositions, who is familiar with
>> his "Alabama Song" (sub-titled "The Whiskey Bar") from his opera
>> "Mahoggany?-
>> I first became acquainted with it being song by the Doors during the
>> closing credits of
>> a documentary covering their European tour and then came to discover
>> that I had it all along on one of their LPs.

Some men see things as they are and say why....I dream things that never
were and say why not            -
                        -George Bernard Shaw

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