[Dixielandjazz] Alan Fredrickson died--Denver Post

Robert Ringwald rsr at ringwald.com
Thu Apr 15 19:41:56 PDT 2010

> To: Musicians and Jazzfans list
> Juanita Greenwood Fredrickson; Norman Vickers, Jr.
> Queen
> <http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.denverpost.com/headlines/ci_148
> 86300&ct=ga&cad=1:2:0&cd=BBbhladMI64&usg=AFQjCNFo_DMGnCilWm0DnNv2zepLKuGr1g>
> City Jazz Band co-founder Frederickson dies
> Denver Post
> By Virginia Culver Alan Frederickson, one of the founders of the Queen City
> Jazz Band, died of respiratory problems in Bremerton, Wash., on March 21.
> ...
> Here's Alan Fredrickson's obituary from Denver Post. (Scroll down past the
> blue gunk)
> <http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=15vhrj1h4/M=600630824.600654046.407383449.40498
> 4955/D=ncnws/S=2022775850:N/Y=PARTNER_US/L=fd748e54-48c7-11df-b900-07c072545
> 5d7/B=qP3VAUwNiZE-/J=1271360963250212/K=lDfTIQLMmwhiCTmWF3xguQ/EXP=127136816
> 3/A=1749698590787273153/R=1/X=2/SIG=127pk9v9h/*http:/clk.atdmt.com/4G1/go/21
> 5213733/direct/01?time=1271360963250212>
> http://view.atdmt.com/4G1/view/215213733/direct/01?time=1271360963250212
> Queen City Jazz Band co-founder Frederickson dies
> <mailto:vculver at denverpost.com?subject=The%20Denver%20Post:%20Queen%20City%2
> 0Jazz%20Band%20co-founder%20Frederickson%20dies> By Virginia Culver 
> The Denver Post
> Posted: 04/15/2010 01:00:00 AM MDT
> <http://www.denverpost.com/portlet/article/html/imageDisplay.jsp?contentItem
> RelationshipId=2961875>
> http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2010/0414/20100414__20100
> Alan Freder- ickson led the metro band for 22 years. (Photo courtesy Dr.
> Norman Vicker )
> Alan Frederickson, one of the founders of the Queen City Jazz Band, died of
> respiratory problems in Bremerton, Wash., on March 21. He was 83.
> Frederickson, a trombonist, also was the group's "witty, informative and
> entertaining raconteur," according to a Denver Post review in 1966.
> A celebration of his life is planned from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. May 15 at the
> Evans Chapel on the University of Denver campus.
> The Queen City Jazz Band, which is more than 50 years old, had a 14-year run
> (until 1972) at Monvue Village, West Alameda Avenue and South Garrison
> Street. The band also played at Zeno's in Larimer Square, said longtime
> Queen City pianist Hank Troy.
> Frederickson made his own playing as dramatic as possible.
> But he was known for his storytelling, jokes and "the reading of the word."
> That involved his melodramatic reading of "something like a John Deere
> tractor manual, and people would die laughing," said Bob Cooke, who played
> trumpet in two stints with Queen City.
> Though the 1966 Post review called Frederickson clever and entertaining, he
> also was sometimes "impossible to work with" because of his "narcissism,"
> said Cooke, of Fort Collins. 
> "But it's a hard, demanding profession, and we all have some narcissism in
> our personalities," he added.
> The late Zeke Scher, a huge fan of the band, did a history of the group in
> 1976 for The Post's Empire magazine.
> Scher wrote that there "were mutinies and frequent turnovers" in the band,
> and Frederickson was "the first to admit he was impossible."
> But he was the main reason many fans came to hear the band, which still
> plays regular concerts here and in surrounding states. The band has made 25
> recordings and four videos and has played jazz festivals here and in Europe.
> Frederickson left the band in 1980 to take a world cruise after leading it
> for 22 years.
> The band was founded in the Lakewood living room of Jeanne and the late
> Harney Peterson. Frederickson and Bill Murray were looking for a place to
> jam, and Harney Peterson was a jazz buff, though he didn't play.
> He provided recordings of traditional jazz, "which the players then
> mimicked," said Jeanne Peterson.
> Alan Frederickson was born near Cylinder, Iowa, on March 10, 1927. 
> He earned his architecture degree at Iowa State University and practiced
> here and in Evergreen.
> He married Juanita Greenwood in November. For many years, she was the band's
> accountant. In addition to her, Frederickson is survived by his daughter,
> Nancy Squire-Evans of Nederland; sons Marc of Florence, Ore., and Douglas of
> Cayuga, Calif.; and a stepdaughter, Regina Lawrence of Baton Rouge, La.
> Virginia Culver: 303-954-1223 or vculver at denverpost.com 
>  _____  

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