[Dixielandjazz] FW: Does Keyboard & Amp Sound Dissappoint AnyoneElse?

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Sat Nov 7 06:15:44 PST 2009

>Even when I use monitors for speakers the sound is never really "good". Am
I the only keyboard complainer?  Dan (backup piano man) Spink

Dan, I think your problem is in trying to make a comparison.  It's like my
earlier coffee comparison(sorry to bring it up again!).  I don't try to
compare a Spanish expresso with a "diner type" American coffee.  I drink
either, accepting it for what it is.

Thanks to the dreaded keyboard, we've all been able to have a pianist in our
bands, and all you pianists have found work.  There just aren't that many
places that have a real piano, face it!

The other side of the coin is, that if keyboards didn't exist then many more
places would have a piano.  But, probably (due to cost & space available),
not that many.  

So, I think the keyboard should be looked upon as a blessing overall.  All
one can do is strive for the best keyboard available with the best
monitoring, hopefully approximating the sound of a piano.

Jim (of course, I'm not a pianist!) Kash

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