[Dixielandjazz] FW: Morton website updated - 6 items of historical interest

Glen Page gpage at dccnet.com
Wed Apr 29 09:15:26 PDT 2009

Hi all,

Please see below for the reason for this post.

To folks not familiar with Mike's site do yourself a favour and see what
treasures will reveal themselves. The site contains a wealth of information,
mainly centered around Jelly, but not exclusively so.I hope Mike's problem
is resolved soon.

Cheers, Glen Page.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Meddings [mailto:mike at doctorjazz.co.uk] 
Sent: April 29, 2009 7:57 AM
To: Glen Page
Subject: Morton website updated - 6 items of historical interest

Dear Glen,

Can you please do me a big favor and post the Morton website on the DJML for

me.   I am a member, but something has gone wrong with my attempts to post 
anything.   The top guys at DMJL have looked into this for me and are 
completely puzzled.

Thanks a million Glen.



Hello all,

The Jelly Roll Morton website has been updated with the following 6 articles
of great historical interest:

Brian Goggin sends an excellent essay on the ragtime and stride pianist,
Henry J. (Hank) Duncan.   This accompanies Duncan's June 1918 WWI Draft
Registration Card.   Mention of Eddie Condon, Garvin Bushell, Sidney Bechet
and Tommy Ladnier.   The essay also includes a personal anecdote by the late
Milton Berlin.

Brian Goggin sends an updated essay on Fletcher Hamilton Henderson Jr.
This accompanies Henderson's WWI Draft Registration Card.   New information
includes mention of Jelly Roll, Danny Barker, King Oliver and Paul Barbarin.

Ate van Delden sends updated information on the photograph of Jelly-Roll
Morton and His Orchestra at the Victor Studios, Camden, New Jersey, July
1929.   For many years this mysterious version of the photograph has puzzled
Morton devotees.   Now, Ate has supplied us with the answer.

Ate van Delden sends updated information on the photograph of Jelly Roll
Morton's New Orleans Jazzmen at the RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc., studio
#3 in New York, N.Y. 28th September 1939.   Special thanks to Dutch graphic
designer Peter Rijkhoff.

Ate van Delden sends an article titled, "The Roll in Washington".   This was
published in The Record Changer magazine, dated 15th December 1942.
Mention of Roy Carew and Chick Webb.

Don Rouse and the Potomac River Jazz Club send a stunning photograph of
Danny Barker's Steamboat Stompers at Jimmy Ryan's, 52nd St., N.Y.C. in the
early 1950s.   This is from the estate of the late Beale Riddle.   Many more
items to come in future updates.

The above items can be accessed from the grey UPDATED BOX at:


Musically yours.



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