[Dixielandjazz] I'm in training for you"

Mark McCormick mmccormickmusic at embarqmail.com
Sat Sep 13 12:55:30 PDT 2008

Hello list,
I'm feeling a bit guilty about not adding to any discussion about  
anything. I do find your conversations interesting and you (the  
collective you) do  know much more about this then I do.
I can't speak for other lurkers but I think that when people are  
talking about stuff you don't know one should shut up and listen.

Anyway, I'm always asking for lead sheets and lyrics so If someone  
could help me out with the above tune I'd appreciate it.
My wife attended a concert and brought home a CD of a Portland area  
band called The Stolen Sweets that is a swingy close harmony group. I  
found it very nice, certainly not hot jazz but a very enjoyable group.
I wish I could have been at the concert myself. They included the  
above tune on the CD.


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