[Dixielandjazz] Playing in Minneapolis Target Center Arena

Stephen G Barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 30 07:47:05 PDT 2008

Here's the ultimate cheapness in Stadiums/Arenas looking for bands.  
The Timberwolves are a basketball team.

 >Dateline Minneapolis:  'Ultimate Fan Packages"

 >"Minnesota Timberwolves will hand over the Target Center to your  
band and allow your special sound to ring out >in the arena for about  
an hour before tipoff. Just make sure to leave some groupies for the  
player. Minimum >purchase of 75 tickets @ $15 required."

 >"Why it's cool: We're sure your band's the next big thing, buy for  
now, the only way it'll land an arena gig is to pay >to get there."

- Above from USA Weekend March 28-30, 2008

It costs the band leader $1125, about what the team pays a ball player  
per minute. OK, "But think of the exposure".   Yeah, right <grin>

I hope other stadiums don't pick-up on this.

Steve Barbone

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