[Dixielandjazz] English

ROBERT R. CALDER serapion at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 16 16:47:25 PST 2008

Well said, Brother Ingle & friends, Humphrey Lyttelton's recurrence on THE BEST OF JAZZ to the topic of declining English affords further reason to mourn his passing, and sanctifies the topic as a proper one for this site. 
"that" instead of "which"?  One of the earlier Bill Gates productions used to belabour me with the "suggestion"  of "that" every darned time I typed "which"
I am planning to compose a hackneyed pastiche of neurotic bebop, the name of the number will be "superfluous prepositions"   (a common linguistic crime of TV chefs, at whose cult Humph directed a nice one when introducing an aged obscure number named "Who wants to cook?"),  Presumably a worthy constituent of this group could think of a suitably named pop tune on whose chords the number could be imposed. 


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