[Dixielandjazz] SM58's

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Sun Sep 9 01:47:00 PDT 2007

Bill wrote:
Dear Steve (Hoog), And thanks for the information contained in the last part
of the paragraph "DO NOT use SM-58s for horns -- they are VOCAL mics, with
an intentional "proximity effect", which increases bass response as the mic
is closer to the source.  Thus, pop singers eating the mic."

Goes to show you, Steve & Bill....there's options for everyone!  I
personally like to use the SM58 particularly because of that attribute.  You
can get real up close with a trombone bell & play really, really quiet, and
get this sorta "whispering in your ear" sound, or you can pull back and the
mic will nicely pick up at least two horns coming in at angles.  It's all in
knowing how to use the mic.  

I set the mic up for eq & level for my voice, and then if the trumpet &
trombone stand back away from the mic it is a perfect level (& eq!) to pick
both of us up. For vocals, I grab the mic off the stand. This is normally
for club use, or even for big concerts when I'm not happy with the mixer
having his hand into our balance by giving us separate mics.  We move around
the mic to get the balance we want for what is being played at the moment.


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