[Dixielandjazz] Marcelle Enright, New England area Jazz Enthusiast injured

Ron L'Herault lherault at verizon.net
Sat Jun 16 11:04:23 PDT 2007


I have just learned that Marcelle Enright, a local champion for traditional
jazz in New England, was injured in a car accident yesterday.  She has a
broken leg and is awaiting information on possible other injuries.  It may
be a few days before she can get to her laptop to answer e-mails.  The
accident made the local paper.  The link below will take you to the article.

Marcelle publishes a newsletter summarizing the schedules of local jazz
bands and has a website, 

which has similar information. 

This does not have much relevance for list members in other parts of the
world but I thought it would be an effective way to spread this information
to our New England list members.  I have spoken with her.  Other that being
miffed at being kept supine until her back is evaluated, she is in good
spirits.  She is currently at U. Mass Medical Center, Worcester, MA.


Ron L

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