[Dixielandjazz] John Farrell

Bob Romans cellblk7 at comcast.net
Sun Jun 3 08:18:07 PDT 2007

John and I first met on one of our trips to the UK when he sat in with Cell Block 7...I vividly remember he didn't care very much about my Yamaha YP 55 piano, but it worked and he played several pieces on it, and WOW could he make that little Yami sing! He also came to Judy Eames and Tony Davis's home in the Oxford area, and the four of us hung out together one day, culminating in dinner and fine ales at The Bell Pub.
Several years ago, John came to San Francisco to visit a friend who also sold piano rolls, and the two of them visited me at my home in Lodi. We sat out on the dock, talking and, of course, having some fine ales. He sat down at my player piano in our livingroom, and treated us to about two hours of Fats Waller and Art Tatum...I'll never forget that! 
The CD he made..."The God's Are In The House"  is a real treasure. I hope someone in his family keeps his Webpage and business going!
Warm regards,
Bob Romans,
1617 Lakeshore Dr.,
Lodi, Calif. 95242
Ph 209-747-1148

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