[Dixielandjazz] Preservation Hall History - WSJ Article

Bill Haesler bhaesler at bigpond.net.au
Thu Dec 20 15:55:57 PST 2007

Phil O'Rourke wrote:
> DO as Louis Lince suggested.
> To find out the whole story read William Carter's "Preservation Hall" 
> available in
> both soft and hard back editions.

Dear Phil (and Louis),
Not quite 'the whole story'.
Last year, in reply to a request (can't recall whether it was a DJMLer 
or from another list**), I researched the background to Preservation 
Hall and immediately came up with the sanitized version.
Unfortunately, the result of my extensive research effort went into 
cyberspace while backing up my email files early this year.
Although Mr Carter's excellent book provides a warts-'n'-all account of 
the immediate lead up to the opening of 'The Hall' in 1961, it is 
light-on regarding Larry Borenstein's art gallery(ies) and the mid 
1950s jam sessions which started it all.
I attempted to obtain first-hand accounts from friends and others who 
were on the New Orleans jazz scene in the mid 1950s, but didn't come up 
with much in the way of positive facts. Just nostalgia.
Perhaps Mr Carter had the same trouble.
Kind regards,
**I hope it was a DJMLer, because some of it may be in our archives.

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