[Dixielandjazz] Alexander The Great - A Jazzy Guy.

Steve Barbone barbonestreet at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 10 08:13:18 PDT 2007

I'm sure you know that Alexander the Great was known as a remarkably
effective conqueror, but not many people know why.
He had developed an uncanny ability to coordinate his troops over great
distances, so that they would be able to swoop down upon enemy forces
from different directions simultaneously.  Using this technique he
managed to win decisive victories even when pitted against much greater
How did he do it? 
He went to his alchemists and advisors and told them that he needed some
kind of device that would allow him to coordinate simultaneous action at
great distances - he needed some way to signal or alert all of his
various commanders to attack at the same time.
His alchemists went to work and they finally discovered a chemical
solution that when properly prepared would change color after a certain
period of time.  Depending on the concentration of reagents, they could
control quite closely just exactly how long the color change took.
Recognizing the impracticality of carrying jars of solution into battle,
they developed a method for saturating white cloth strips with the
solution, and the cloths would then change color right on time.
Alexander of course was greatly impressed with this method and its
reliability, so he ordered up these strips of cloth for his officers.
Prior to battle, the alchemists would prepare thousands of the strips
and hand them out to the officers, who for convenience would tie them
around their arm or wrist.  Then they would take their troops out to
their designated location and wait.  Later when the color change
occurred, all would attack simultaneously, much to the surprise of the
surrounded enemy.
Some say that this was the origin of the wristwatch, but in reality it
was the first known implementation of Alexander's Rag Time Band.

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