[Dixielandjazz] Sacramento Jubilee

Robert S. Ringwald robert at ringwald.com
Thu Apr 5 19:45:51 PDT 2007

Regarding the upcoming 34th annual Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, Mike wrote:

> Has the jubilee resolved their cash issues? I recall that a few years back 
> that the jubilee started several hundred thousand in
the hole.

Mike, and Listmates,

Because of some (shall I say it?) bad management practices and sloppy
bookkeeping, we found ourselves in the hole.

With the change of management and a much better Board of Directors, we are
slowly digging ourselves out.  Each year we are paying off back debts and
should be done with that this year.

And don't forget our DJML F2F (Face to Face) BMP (Bloody Mary Party) Friday 
morning of the Jubilee, May 25, at 10:00 AM in Old Sacramento.  This is the 
largest gathering of DJML members in the world.

--Bob (make mine with no salt) Ringwald

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