[Dixielandjazz] Kenton Mellophoniums

Ministry of Jazz jazzmin at actcom.net.il
Wed Mar 29 08:57:12 PST 2006

Shalom Gary,

I don't know what kind of Mellophonium(s) Kenton had, but I have 3

1. a Blessing marching mellophone in F -- shaped like a large trumpet with a
bell the size of a French horn bell pointing straight forward. Takes an alto
horn mouthpiece.

2. an Amati straight mellophone in F, has a circular body built around the
valve chambers, with the bell extended forward, longer than the above horn,
also about French horn size.

3. a King (I think) Bb marching mellophone similar to #1 above but larger,
and takes a French horn mouthpiece. I'm told it is like playing the Bb side
of a double French horn. Overall shape is similar to a flugabone or marching
trombone, but with a larger bell.

#1 is easiest to hold and play, but it's considerably lighter than the
others and I suspect the metal is not as good quality, hence the tone has
somewhat less body to it. But it's fun for playing jazz. Similar to a

#3 is the hardest to play for me. I can't get most of the lower octave to
sound. I'm not used to the mouthpiece. And I thought it was hard picking up
the trumpet! But it has the nicest tone of the 3 in my opinion.

#2 is in between, easier to play than #1 and sounds better, but not as much
like a French horn as #3. I use it for recording and in brass ensemble
playing when we want a French horn sound. Sure is hard to get used to the
notes being half an octave lower than trumpet for the same fingerings
though. I switch between trumpet, valve bone and tuba all the time, and the
octave change does not mess with my head. But fingering a C and hearing an F
come out of the horn gets confusing, and still trips me up sometimes when
improvising and also when reading parts.

That about exhausts me knowledge of mellophones. The truth is I bought my
first one because I liked the odd shape, I found a good deal, and I wanted
it for the pun value. In Hebrew our first and most famous cell phone company
is Pelephone, and a cucumber is a melafafone. It just seemed like there was
a joke in there that was worth the few bucks for the horn. Still working out
the details. I'm open to suggestions...

Dr. Jazz Dixieland Band
Tekiya Trumpet Ensemble
Jerusalem, Israel

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Kiser [mailto:gary at kiser.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] Kenton Mellophoniums

3)  Ok, there are three parts to this post.  Does anyone have one of
these horns?  Were they made especially for Kenton?

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