[Dixielandjazz] Strange Blues---how this started

Ken Gates kwg28 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 6 09:23:09 PST 2006

I'm the guy who first raised the question about the bridge of "Strange Blues".
First of all---a big thank you to those that provided information.
Let me explain how this came about.

In my CD collection, I have two versions of this tune.  Love the sound of it.
I played along with the version in Db.  This one used an A7 chord and it's notes
to begin the bridge.  No problem, so far.  Wanting  to put the chords on my rhythm
machine (actually a keyboard) so that I could play along (closet clarinet player),
I asked a friend if he had the chords.  He sent me a copy of his lead sheet.  It
was in the key of Eb --- the chord on the bridge used a B7.  No problem yet--
B7 in Eb tranposes to A7 in Db.  But now the first problem surfaced!  The first
four notes on this lead sheet (it had suffered some age) appeared to be---
B  Ab  Gb  Eb ----- NOT the notes of a B7 ---- but are the notes of B6

The plot thickens.  I then played my other version--the one in the key of C.  The
version by the Orphan News Boys (Marty Grosz, Bobby Gordon, Peter Eckland).
Expecting an Ab7 (or maybe Ab6) on the bridge in this key.  Indeed not.  I
played this version to two friends whose ears are better than mine.  They both
concurred that this version used the chord and notes of Fm6. 

So---being terribly confused---I raised the question with this great group--the DJML.

I expect Bob Ringwald to let us know his analysis of the "official" Wingy Manone version
when he hears it.

I would guess that the News Boys had only a distant memory of the tune----so maybe
Ab7 would the "right" way--- but the way they play it sounds good to me.

What a great list!

Ken Gates

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