[Dixielandjazz] What I called "European Chord Symbols"

d. sleeman d.sleeman at hccnet.nl
Fri Jan 27 01:23:40 PST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Craig I. Johnson" <civanj at adelphia.net>
To: "Dixieland Jazz Mailing List" <dixielandjazz at ml.islandnet.com>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 2:36 AM
Subject: [Dixielandjazz] What I called "European Chord Symbols"

Craig wrote a.o.

I totally understood the "structure" of the tabular version and like it. I wish I could 
extend my music program to create such tables for the banjo player.
(Most songs could fit in a pocket of 3x5 cards for him.)

Sibelius is somewhat the same as Finale in its notation. However, as I said my issue
is to be able to print out chord only "sheets" which would require an extension to either program
to scan the chords and output them in the 'spreadsheet like" format of the Boudoin chord book.
I may do some research to see if I can write something that will do that. I believe I could do it
more easily for FInal than Sibelius as Finale has a more powerful language for writing
personal "add-ons" -- but no guarantee that I will succeed..

I have tried to do that too, in Word and in Excel but to no avail. Should you find a solution, please publish it on DJML because - apart for the symbols - Boudoin's 'spreadsheet like' notation is pretty easy to read! 

The discussion about 'Finale' versus 'Sibelius' is an endless one. I have them both (and 'Noteworthy', 'Magix Notation' and 'Harmony' - there will be others out there), but I always use 'Encore', because it does everything that all the others do, and more and easier. And when I want to write a chord sheet, I use 'Band-in-a-Box'.

Dick Sleeman, Lelystad, Holland. <d.sleeman at hccnet.nl>

"...Of all the musical instruments in use today, the trombone is one of,
 if not THE most difficult of instruments. I know, 'cause I have one..."

  (Dewsnap in "THE TROMBONE", December 10, 2002)

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