[Dixielandjazz] OKOM Band Directory (WAS: East Bay bands)

Dan Augustine ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Jan 10 11:08:06 PST 2006

     There are already a couple of sites having worldwide lists of 
dixieland bands:

a) http://kquick.best.vwh.net/bands.html

b) http://www.libertyhall.com/jazzbands/jazz.html

I knew about the first, but not the second, which i found in Google 
by doing a search on "dixieland bands".  There are a number of other 
(putative) such sites, but it's time for my nap, and i leave the 
research and reporting of the remaining sites as an amusing exercise 
for the energetic student.

>Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:41:17 -0800
>From: <jobriant at sunrisetelecom.com>
>Subject: [Dixielandjazz] OKOM Band Directory (WAS:  East Bay bands)
>Tom Belmessieri wrote:
>>  Wow.  I like your last idea the best; a dixieland/
>>  traditional jazz band directory for the whole world! 
>>  How do the rest of you feel about this?
>I'd like to see such a list, particularly if it included a list of 
>"at liberty" musicians not currently regular members of an active 
>band, but looking to join a band.  (Like me, for instance.)
>Jim O'Briant
>Gilroy, CA

**  Dan Augustine  --  Austin, Texas  --  ds.augustine at mail.utexas.edu
**     "I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a    
**      snake, which I also keep handy." -- W. C. Fields             

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