[Dixielandjazz] Soundies

David Richoux tubaman at tubatoast.com
Sat Dec 2 09:35:58 PST 2006

There are actually a lot of jazz "soundies" available on DVD already.  
I did a quick google search on [ jazz soundie dvd ] and got a ton of  

Also, BTW, I was just reading a short history of television - it  
started much earlier than most people think!

Dave Richoux
On Dec 2, 2006, at 9:00 AM, Bert Joss wrote:

>      During WWII when I was stationed at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in late
> 1944, the local soda bar had an unusual juke box.  As well as playing
> music, there was a viewing screen which showed the musicians  
> playing the
> tune. There were lots: Nat King Cole Trio, Will Bradley /Ray McKinley,
> Fats Waller, etc. etc.This was long before the advent of  
> television, so
> the synchronized music and visuals had to be by sound on film. Many
> years later I learned that they were 16mm sound films, (in  
> cartridges, I
> think)
>  and because they were projected on to the surface of a mirror,  
> they had
> to be printed in mirror-image so the sound track would be on the  
> correct
> side for the projector.
>       The film cartridges eventually became available to collectors  
> and
> they could be projected on to large screens, if you accepted all the
> captions appearing backwards. I have some VHS copies back in Montreal
> which a friend in Toronto gave me. They would make great DVD's If
> someone could get the necesary copyright clearances!
> jaroberts at webtv.net

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