[Dixielandjazz] (no subject)

Martin Nichols marnichols at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 14:33:05 PDT 2006

cebuisle2 at aol.com original message
  "l'll offer no snide comments on elderly lawyers inability to function  
mentally-nor will I accuse demented people of preferring "pop" music. -
However-there is an entire field of medicine (?) called "music  
psychotherapy" which is fascinating to explore.  I had a teaching 
friend  years ago who was 
a medical doctor in this field at the old Pilgrim State mental  
hospital on 
Long Island. The stories he told!!!!!
Do you suppose this dementia could change a so-so cornetist into a 
Spanier type?
  I will always consider that music is a strong form of "escapism" rather
  than outright "dementia".  I remember playing at a ball game locally at
  the Space Coast Stadium at the time the report spread that "Columbia Space
  Shuttle" disintegrated on entry to the atmosphere over Texas. I noted that
  after receiving the news we were stunned and concerned; however we were
  told to play anyway. Each time we played a jazz number I completely lost my
  feelings of dismay over the news until we reached the end of the tune. Then
  the bad news once again had its effect until we began playing the next number.
  As  Jackie Gleason glibly said: "And awayyyy we go!"

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