FW: [Dixielandjazz] Spanish clarinetist

Jim Kashishian jim at kashprod.com
Fri Apr 7 07:20:11 PDT 2006

> Now that everyone everywhere grows up hearing the same recordings,
listening to a Spaniard >play American music in such a natural, loose-limbed
way did not come as the surprise it once did.

I come across this from time to time with our band (4 Spaniards & myself).
"Oh, they play so well.  You must be a good teacher!"....I hear sometimes
from well-meaning, visiting Americans.  

Whoops!  It's me that learns from them many times!!  They all grew up
listening to record collections their Dad's had, etc.  Then, they went
through the complete music course at the Madrid Conservatory of Music (about
9 yrs worth!).  Put all that knowledge along with what was learned by
listening, shake it all up with a healthy amount of talent, and you have a
good jazz coctail, no matter what the person's nationality is.

It may have started out as "our music", but it is the world's now.


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