[Dixielandjazz] Obbligato????????

Bill Gunter jazzboard at hotmail.com
Tue May 3 13:16:28 PDT 2005

Hi all,

Steve Barbone challenges:

>So why are we knocking ourselves out over nothing? Kinda like worrying 
>mice when it's the elephants who are running amok.

I don't know . . . it just seemed like fun at the time.

I'm not sure that a thread which prompts various points of view and goes on 
for a couple of days is what I would call "knocking ourselves over nothing." 
  It's a lovely day, we're often between gigs and such topics are amusing to 
play with when there's nothing else constructive to do.

How about a list of famous obbligatos in jazz tunes? Does that stimulate 
anybody's grey matter?

Respectfully submitted,

Bill "and don't forget 'rounds' where the same melody is played over itself 
in an offset way" Gunter
jazzboard at hotmail.com

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