[Dixielandjazz] Applause

EDWIN COLTRIN boreda at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 26 19:32:38 PST 2005

Last night, Friday, Side Street Strutters performed a concert in Ramona, Ca. The crowd of about 250, mostly past the 60's mark, broke out in applause after every solo. Some response lasted over ten seconds.  But the expression on the face of the performers indicated an appreciation for the crowds response.
In a kinda deja vu, the sax man produced a Contra-bass sax participated by playing one number, then in contrast produce a sopranino sax and showed his talent with anothe number. To top all of this a slide trumpet was introduced with a solo by the cornet player. Talk about deja vu.
Side Street Strutters  play seven days a week at Disney Land. There was some OKOM, not real early but before the 30's, then into the 30/40's era with a rousing Sing Sing Sing. Closing my eyes and listening to the front line I could imagine the Ellington group or the Dorsey group. 
Who says applause doesn't matter.
Ye Olde Mouldy Fygge
a Pob Whil
Ed Coltrin

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