[Dixielandjazz] Re: [Dixierandjazz] Re: Yoshio Toyama

TCASHWIGG at aol.com TCASHWIGG at aol.com
Thu Mar 10 19:01:01 PST 2005

I hear via the rumor circuit that there is a Japanese band named Birr Bunter 
and the POON Doctors trying to crone the Boondockers but they are having a 
hard time tuning the washboard, can't seem to get the water to frow over it at 
the correct tonar pitch, and are now attempting to tune it with a Beer Frow 
instead of water, they have, however, mastered the soap over sudzing probrem by 
switching to woorite riquid soap.


Anyone thinking my sperring is bad must remember that there is no "L" in the 
Japanese Ranguage vocaburary.  They are trying to get Birr Crinton to pray 
Saxophone with them too.


Tom "Giggers" Wiggins

"Rust a ritter whire to stay here"

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