[Dixielandjazz] Fw: [TPIN] Orange Bowl Halftime

Bob Romans cellblk7 at comcast.net
Tue Jun 21 09:26:22 PDT 2005

The boob WAS on the left side of my TV screen though! Pretty nice one, at 
Bob Romans
>>> I wish the crowd would have booed the whole half time show, as well as 
>>> the
>>> barely recognizable imitation of the national anthem.  We have talked 
>>> about such
>>> things before, I know, but what passed for some kind of music at this 
>>> game
>>> should have been banned from the airwaves.  Considering both 
>>> universities have
>>> wonderful bands, the rock n roll and country crap that was presented was 
>>> even
>>> more of a tragedy.  Is this really the kind of crap that the TV football
>>> audience wants to see and hear?  Janet Jackson's left boob was better 
>>> than what went
>>> on tonight, I think.
>>> And we all wonder why it gets harder and harder to make a living playing
>>> music with an actual melody, played by someone who actually studied how 
>>> to do it.
>>> Mike Vax

 Actually, Mike, it was the RIGHT boob!
 Other than that, right on!
 Don Ingle

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