[Dixielandjazz] Re Linking to Website

Gail Kingston Gail_Kingston at bigpond.com
Fri Jul 8 15:33:55 PDT 2005

Thanks for all your warm responses.  Building the links page will take me a
little time but won't take too long.


I thought I should probably explain why I wanted your webpage links and why
I think we should link to each others pages.  


In the interests of promoting OKOM when someone does a search for OKOM one
of our websites pop up in the top three or four listings of the search


In the old days you could use meta tags (keywords used to name your
webpage's but were used to trick search engines and so aren't used as much)
but these days when a search engine ranks your website amongst other things
like content, clarity etc it also takes into account how many links you have
to your website and how important the site linking to yours is.  Well we
probably can't get Microsoft to link to us but if we can link to each others
sites then that will help take our websites up the search engine ranking,
making us more visible and available to others including that younger
audience.  The trick is to reciprocate links.


Of course your site has to be relevant to what they are searching for but if
it is, a good links page could help your site get to the top of the rank. 


The other benefit I can see is that by working together we can also create a
huge linked collection of good OKOM information and music, thus still
further promoting OKOM. 


While my site doesn't have a huge amount of OKOM info on it at the moment
(haven't got that far yet) I would like eventually to be able to help
educate people as they visit and sell them on OKOM not just me and my band.
Didn't someone once say, "It's all about connecting with the audience"?  So
if you want to get your band seen more and tell people about OKOM we should
work together which is a challenging thing to do in such a competitive


I'd be interested to know what you all think.


As I said before if you would like your link put up on my site please
contact me off list.


Warm regards







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